Thursday 25 August 2016

Elkanah 100Word Challenge 6

Today was the day. I had been practicing for this for four years. It was finally my time to shine. This year, I was lucky enough to qualify for the Rio 2016 Olympics 100m sprints. Then, if that wasn't lucky enough, I got in for the finals. Now I was on the actual track. Suddenly the pistol goes of. I quickly sprint. I could see the finish line, then I looked behind me, and saw an athletes on the track who had fallen down, everyone passing him. I ran back, picked him up, and we finished the race together.

Tuesday 21 June 2016

Asteroid! ;-)

The Grade 6 Superhero Stopmotion Project 

This term our major project for art and technology was the Superhero Stopmotion Project.

We picked partners on the first lesson. I went with Pia. Then we had to design a character (superhero or supervillain),  and pick a name for them. The supervillains/heroes had to be completely original. 

My character's name was Asteroid, and she was a space superhero. 
Once Pia and I had designed her, we started to build her out of Plasticine. It was quite difficult, because we wanted her to be perfect and as lifelike as possible. I was quite happy with the end result, and relieved, too, because the Plasticine was always hard when we tried to model each colour for the first time.

If I could change anything about our character, I would probably try to make the symbals and colour chnages more pronounced and visible. I would also probably try to make her head smaller, so that she wouldn't keep falling over. ;-)

The best part about the project was that I could watch something that I had created, and know that it was mine. Watching the video that we made over and over and over again... made me feel good about myself because I knew that I was capable of animating my own video. It was almost as if I felt  that I had learnt the secret of famous animators! 

Some things that I found difficult were...
#Time Management. 
It was quite difficult to finish our poster and character on time, as sometimes my partner could not work / was not there.
#Team Work.
Sometimes my partner found my ideas bad and wouldnt have a compromise.
# Filming.
When it came to filming I did most of the work. We had some trouble finding a place to film, because at first we wanted to film in a dark room.

Tuesday 7 June 2016

Elkanah 100 Word Challenge 5

Lately, I have been doing lots of DIY projects. This morning I decided to make a special formula to make vegetables taste delicious. But it went horribly wrong. I had just finished pouring the formula into a bottle, when my dog bumped the table, causing the bottle to fall. A bit of my formula had gotten onto my frock, and made a spot. I tried to wipe it off but the spot just grew and grew. Eventually it covered my whole dress. Suddenly, my dress disintegrated, revealing my PJs! I'm glad I didn't eat the vegetables I sprayed it on!

Challenge 5:

This is the last challenge for this term. Make it count!
We return to part of a sentence for this week’s prompt. It is:
…but the spot just grew and grew…
Things to think about:
Where / what is the spot referred to?
What size should it be?
Why should it be that size?
What happens if the spot gets bigger?
Remember you only have 100 words! Use them all.

When you have finished, mark your work as DONE in the Classroom and email Mrs S to let her know that you have posted your writing on your blog. Add the following labels: #100WC, Challenge 5

Lastly, be sure to go and read and comment on a minimum of three other 100WC posts by going here: 

Good luck!

Elkanah 100 Word Challenge Number 4

I'm about to tell you a story. I won't tell you if it's a lie.
 It's  all about a land that's made of chips and types of pie.
There are elephants to ride on, and boats in which you row,
A river of chocolate that tastes so sweet, with waves that go to and fro.

A land that has many unicorns, and rainbows all around,
and a happy mayor made of gummy bears that moves from town to town.
This land is quite perfect, a lovely sight to see.
And of course this land is wonderful for you and me!

Challenge 4:

This week we have chosen five words for you to include in your writing. They can go anywhere and in any order. The words are:

Lie   Row   Fly   Chips   Sweet

Remember you only have 100 words! Use them all.

When you have finished, mark your work as DONE in the Classroom and email Mrs S to let her know that you have posted your writing on your blog. Add the following labels: #100WC, Challenge 4

Lastly, be sure to go and read and comment on a minimum of three other 100WC posts by going here: 

Good luck!

Elkanah 100 Challenge 3

I haven't talked to Cammie in weeks. It's summer holiday, and she has been away. I have something really important to tell her, and it's perfect timing, as today she is arriving home. I plan on telling her the good news tonight, on the telephone. I have been practicing how I am going to say what I want to say for about an hour, now. I sat on my bed, and grabbed the phone. I dialed her number. 'Hello," she said. I was about to reply, when the connection broke. My baby brother had cut the cord. Thanks a lot!

Challenge 3:

This week you have part of a sentence to include in your 100 words.

…when the connection broke… 

Things to consider:
What / who was being connected to what?
Why would it be a problem if it was broken?
What happened after the connection was broken?
Remember you only have 100 words! 

When you have finished, mark your work as DONE in the Classroom and email Mrs S to let her know that you have posted your writing on your blog. Add the following labels: #100WC, Challenge 3

Lastly, be sure to go and read and comment on a minimum of three other 100WC posts by going here: 

Good luck!

Friday 27 May 2016

Cookie Land!!

Hey Guys!
This awesome special blog post is a collaboration with my friend Hannah Bowles!!
You should go check out her blog!
So anyway, I bet you thought our title is pretty weird. Am I right?
This is the idea. Imagine a world made of cookie dough. With milk oceans, choc chip islands and icing polar bears! Clouds made of icing sugar and chocolate Easter bunnies roam the earth.
Chickens that lay speckled eggs! Nobody gets fat, except the chocolate Santas!
Inside the cookie dough crust of the earth, there is a huge, HOT chocolate chip that melts the crust. Which is due to global warming that Santa causes with his farts! .....Its his fault the polar bears are melting! 
Wouldn't this be an awesome world to live in. Well, except for the polar bears. RIP! We love you!

Love Hannah and Andreia

Sunday 1 May 2016

Elkanah 100 Word Challenge: Challenge 2

Two Jewish men were touring England. They had asked the traveling agent:
" Where is the coldest country to be in this time of year?"
"England, of course." He replied.
Off to England they went. Once they had landed at the airport, they headed to the bus stop. On the way, they met a well- dressed man, sitting on a bench. 
"Could you direct us to the nearest Synagogue ?" Asked the Jewish man.
"Sorry sir, but the nearest Synagogue  is on the other side of England." He replied.
Oh dear, thought the men. They should have planned more carefully!

Things to think about before writing:
Look at how they are dressed?
What country might they be in?
What jobs do they do?
What could they be talking about?
Are they happy/worried/concerned?

Really think and plan before you start to write. You should use this prompt to practice using speech marks (direct speech). You may include the picture in your blog post (copy/paste) so that your writing will make sense to your readers.

Remember - follow the instructions (refer to them in the 100WC Classroom if you can’t remember) and keep to a maximum of 100 words!

Good luck!